Enhancing Your Virtual Meetings

October 20, 2023

The increasing trend of virtual meetings is rapidly transforming the way we conduct business and communicate with one another.

Flexible, convenient, cost-effective and efficient, with more and more businesses adopting remote or hybrid working, the trend is definitely here to stay.  

In fact, online events and meetings play such an important role in our daily work that it is estimated that 83% of employees spend up to one third of their week in video meetings. That’s a staggering increase of 29% in under two years.

But hosting an online event comes with its own challenges. It is imperative to make it appealing,  engaging and interactive for the attendees. Engaging keynote speakers and facilitators who can provide informative and thought-provoking content will capture the audience’s attention. But you may also want to think about other tasks that will involve audience participation, such as:

  • Live polls

  • Breakout rooms for discussions

  • Virtual boards (Mural, for example) for brainstorming / training  sessions

  • Virtual networking opportunities

Additionally, incorporating interactive activities such as quizzes, games or competitions with prizes can create excitement and increase interaction.

It’s been proven that engaging events and meetings will not just create a more memorable experience for attendees, they will also lead to better participation, increased collaboration, and improved outcomes, driving positive results for both the event and the brand. However, it can be difficult to keep attendees engaged online.

So how do you make your online events professional and engaging? We’ve pulled together some handy tips and best practices that you might find useful for your next event.

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