A Business starts with People.

A proficient team driven by strongly held values of honesty and integrity, our people are the lifeblood of our business. We are passionate about working with businesses that have a mission to improve the lives of others and serve their customers before they serve their shareholders.

doing good creates ripples that spread no matter who you are.

We partner with brands in the medical, healthcare and technology space to simplify communication, amplify impact and ignite stakeholder engagement by drawing teams and patients closer together through communication. To work with brands who want to make a difference no matter their size, scale and reach.

endeavour to exceed expectations

We strive to serve our clients with work that represents who we are and what we are capable of. And in return for the trust that our clients place in us,  we constantly  push the boundaries, challenge the status-quo and endeavour to exceed expectations.

Continuous learning is part of the fabric of our company.

We strive to push ourselves; to operate at the frontiers of wherever we are. Whether that is using the latest technological innovations to drive efficiency or simply allowing  the team the freedom to have exposure to topics that they want to learn about. It is our desire to build a team that always seeks to improve no matter how incremental that may be, because improvements and effort compound over time.

How it started

Johnny Isaacs

Founder, CEO

If you had asked me that indomitable question when I was a child “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I would have answered without hesitation “A musician”. A keen singer and able to play guitar and piano, like every kid does, I dreamed of being in a group.

Fast forward a few years and I  realised the Rock & Roll lifestyle wasn't for me. I did, however, have a talent for art and so I started to follow my creative path. I had a natural fascination with technology - but more so, tech that could improve the experience of a user and how people naturally react with a product, service, or even space. I soon realised that it wasn’t just a fascination for me but a passion. And it was this passion that, years later, led to opening the doors to Explosive Brands.

A unique creative communications agency, we leverage data, blending it with the right mix of marketing strategy and innovative creative thinking. We’re on a mission to simplify communication, amplify impact and ignite engagement within the health sector.

Guided by our fundamental principles of transparency and open communication, our approach to client collaboration is built on mutual engagement. In exchange for the trust our clients vest in us, we are committed to providing innovative solutions that not only challenge the status quo but also surpass expectations.

Our experience and an unrelenting commitment to learning, coupled with our dedication to doing things meticulously and effectively, we partner with our clients to stimulate interest, generate demand, and drive sales.

Johnny Isaacs

Founder, CEO

Let’s make something great together.

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