

Brand strategy
Brand guidelines
Website design
Website development


The Female Financial Freedom Collective, or F3, seeks to unlock the secrets to financial wellbeing for women. Born out of a desire to help women on their wealth creation journey, it strives to democratise finance and support them to close the gender wealth gap. Backed by female finance coaches, the F3 Collective offers financial coaching through a series of online courses and dedicated support groups. Specifically designed by female finance experts, the courses allow women to learn at their own pace, so that they ultimately understand finance, learn how to control long-term wealth, enhance savings and secure their financial future.


In an ever-evolving marketplace dogged by fierce competition, consumers are overwhelmed with choice.

Although successful, F3 wanted to resonate more effectively with their target market. Recognising that they needed to realign themselves with changing trends and customer expectations, they decided to rebrand.

The rebrand gave them the opportunity to not just refresh their messaging to better reflect their values and mission, but it also signalled their commitment to staying relevant and responsive to the evolving needs of their growing audience.

What wE Did

As an agency, we seek to have an impact in the world with the work that we do and are happy to work with brands that have a mission of service, so we were naturally keen to work with F3 on their re-positioning.

Careful analysis led to the revitalisation of the brand identity and a newly defined tailored image

How wE did It

The first step in the branding process, the goal of the brand workshop was to facilitate open dialogue, generate creativity, and collaboratively shape a brand strategy that aligned with both the client's objectives, whilst also resonating with the target audience.

Setting the direction for the repositioning of the brand, the collaborative and interactive session, was broken down into clearly defined stages:

Vision and Values to revisit:

Brand vision
Core values

Visual identity:

Refining visual elements of the brand (logo, etc)
Colour palette

Discovery and research:

The industry
The evolving business needs
Target audience

Brand positioning:

Unique value proposition
Market positioning

personality & messaging:

Refining visual elements of the brand (logo, etc)
Colour palette


Understanding the preferences, behaviours and needs of the audience was crucial to tailoring the messaging, design and overall brand identity. Researching the target market and the type of women that would look for a service similar to F3, we crafted detailed personas that humanised the audience and ultimately made it easier to create personalised and compelling content.

Our research led us to identify 3 distinct personas:

Single mum

F3 Collective Rebrand Explosive Brands Persona 3

Stable Family

F3 Collective Rebrand Explosive Brands Persona 1

'Party girl'

F3 Collective Rebrand Explosive Brands Persona 2

This research-driven approach ensured that the brand aligned with the audiences’ expectations and aspirations, and increased the likelihood of building a more authentic and lasting connection.

Competitor Analysis

Although we had a comprehensive grasp of the competitive landscape, we were, nevertheless, eager to conduct a more thorough exploration of indirect competitors operating within the same sphere.

Once we had determined direct and non-direct competitors, we were able to identify the gap that we felt F3 fitted comfortably into.

StylE of ImagEry

Based on the results of our research, we opted for images that would be relatable to women from all walks of life and ethnic backgrounds. The illustration techniques, colour palettes, composition and overall visual treatment was tempered to reflect the composition of the photographic style.

Designed to create a cohesive and memorable brand visual language, this sophisticated, relaxed style of imagery conveyed the brand’s personality, values, and messaging.

Bringing the brand to life


It was crucial that the typeface embodied the brand's personality and identity. We opted for a serif font; sophisticated and approachable without being imposing, it made it instantly recognizable and left a lasting impression on the audience.

Final Touches

Health,Wealth and Happiness are the core pillars of F3's existence. As nothing in life is flawless, we opted for a 'freehand style' to represent life's imperfections.

Let’s make something great together.

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